Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas came and left,
presents all unwrapped.
Did I think of the greatest gift,
or was I caught up in the season.

Remember the season is for the Son of God, not what we can get, but, what he gave.

new year

Soon 2009 will be upon us, as we ponder 2008 and the things of the past, let us remember what made this country a great country, freedom, freedom to speak, print, be armed and stand for what this country was built upon. People tend to forget over time the history of this land and the people of God, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and others Patrick Henry that gave their lives, so we could live as we do. Remember this next time you want to complain about this land of ours.

Friday, December 26, 2008

new year

this year i will be better at relating and not internetting I will touch people and lead them to the Lord and be better at listening and not talking Help me to relate to all people in all walks of

Thursday, December 11, 2008






man on the street

Man on the street,
locked out of their job.
Machinery sent out,
say we can't compete.

Politicians Look what you done,
Lost all your tax base,
jobs on the run.

Service economy, that is
what they say.
Without the jobs, who
has money to pay.

Worked for auto company,
all my life.
Now if the doors close,
my life will be filled with strife.


I remember a time when America had the highest standard of living in the world. We sold to others and limited what others sold to us. We had fair trade instead of free trade. The ones
in Washington started the mess, how much did they get, I could not guess. Now they want
to blame the American worker, we won't work for slave labor.
They need to realize the tax base they are eroding, who making seven an hour can buy a car,
or house. They need to realize the tax base goes down when people make less, no money in
Congress means less money to the people whe need it.

Free trade ok??

Greed, Greed, Greed
that is how we got this way.

Greed, Greed, Greed,
People had no say.

Jobs are moving,
leaving our shore.
Jobs open overseas,
as another factory
closes its door

Fair trade may be the answer
For every item you sell here,
You buy an item,
be it cars or beer.

jobs that go south

Christmas has come
No job or money
what does it matter to me

Job left for China,
some to Mexico.
Politicians sold America,
Highest bidder please,
put every worker
in a tight squeeze.

Fair trade, we cried,
Free trade, they decide.
Money leaving the country,
Destuction in its wake,
Politiacians wake up,
for Americas sake.

No jobs, mean no taxes,
Country in decline,
Congress Wake UP,
there still might be time.

Working together,
Pay National Debt,
Look at the interest,
that we would get.

Tariffs and Port charges,
Customs too.
Pay into the coffers.
If you want to sell here,
and we know that you do.

jobs that leave

Now it is Christmas,
My job is done.
No presents, No tree;
No job you see.

China is booming,
and Mexico too.
They ought to be,
In America we are through.

Politians took the money,
left destruction in their wake.
Told American worker,
Go jump in the lake.

Free trade, killed a nation,
took jobs and tax base.
Now all our factories,
are just empty space.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Time is precious, there is only so much for each person. Make sure you use your allotment and
use it well, smile laugh love for tomorrow may be to late. Jesus is coming back so get your life
and heart right.
Time starts with that first breathe and ends with last one, what is in between is what you make it.
God will help you but, you need to take the first step. Take each day and love it, do work, play,
excesize and enjoy.
remember each person you meet, may be the last time, don't hold grudges and enjoy yourself.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


God made me
God made you
so where r we
when we need you


the sky is gray
the snow is falling
i miss you
that is why i
am calling

sometimes it seems
the day is dreary
you say you will be near
but i am still leary

why when at the lowest
you seem not to be here
I know you are near
if you were only clear

my world is foggy
everyone is unkind
i look for you
so I can unwind

sometimes when i pray
you r right there
then others i feel
i get nowhere

God is in control
and knows the plans
of man
why do I question
just because i can

feeling blue

do you ever feel blue
just don't know what to do
you want to smile
but can't just now

blue is the mind
blue is the time
maybe someday
the sky won't be gray

but right now
i am blue

Thursday, November 13, 2008

new heaven and a new earth

Where shall we live, after the world is ended?? God says I will create a new heaven and a new earth. Is it not conceivable that we will live on the new earth since God created earth for us to live in anyway. This is not taking away from heaven, The garden was a paradise, and God walked in it so it was not like the earth we see today. God and Jesus will be there and in heaven and we will probably move through each.

only you

an old song about a lover but, if we sing to the King; could it not be only you make the stars shine bright only you fill my lonely night only you and you alone can make me feel brand new ooonly you

Monday, November 10, 2008

old man vs new creation

my old man was a stinker and a man that was of this world, slowly day by day , with help from a loving God I kill that old man, my new creation comes out it is the new man that will win others
to Jesus and to a better life. so if you know of any good before Jesus keep it but, the rest of the old man destroy

Friday, November 7, 2008

the shack

the shack is a good book that makes you look at God through different eyes It really tries to
move preconceptions and it succeeds if you want to look at God in the same manner you
always have stay away from this book but, if you want to see a God of Love read it it is

I recommend it, but I also recommend the Bible to get your orginal thoughts

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

nadtional sales tax

all would pay no way out so more money would come in no skirting the income tax laws

my God reigns

no matter he pres or congress our LORD will not be knocked off his throne and you know what he has already been there before us and knows the outcome Let me say this he we are 2000 years closer to too the end of times and some things may even hasten that end you realize the
economic upheaval is world wide and that wildfires earthquakes hurricanes and tidal waves
are everywhere we need to keep our faith and beleive and mostly pray for the lost

Saturday, November 1, 2008

davids son

although king david seen his faults and asked for forgiveness God still took an innocent
did this make david look after his other children no he left them to their own devices,
his family was a shambles and even after he died his son Solomon had to kill a half brother
it leads to lessons for us i beleive the Bible is their for us to learn from


o writing is hard but so is life, there is so little to look forward to these days, the econmy the winter coming on and the very air is thin seems like. we want to write things that uplift and
get people thinking on other things. i know jokes but they are without merit in the whole output of life. a couple minutes laughing then the doldrums are back. I see people that are always happy and never down and wonder why?? i am happy to know the Lord and things in Heaven are going ok How else could they go, but where is the inearth as in heaven
then i read The Shack and still am processing it I also reacnly read what would Jesus do
it is a classic and it is great. sometimes we have to read others to get a hold of things ourselves

Monday, October 27, 2008

three men

three men stood,
while others bowed.
the kings statue
had wowed the crowd

why do you stand?
fall on your knees,
to the statue bow,
that is the kings plan.

we shall not bow
or bend a knee
we only bow
to one who is holy

the king said
if you do not show
respect to me
into the furnace
you will go

if me you deny
then you will fry

OH king to a idol
made by hand
we cannot bow
but only stand

we worship our true God
who made land and sea
of our praise
he is worthy

into the firey furnace
they did go
when th e fire did not
their faith did grow

the king said
look there
another man is in there
with the face of God

the king said
come out of there
they never got burned
nor singed their hair

God will still work
in your life today
if to him you take
your problems
when you pray


They lined them up,
one by one.
they gave them a choice
denounce the Lord
or be killed by the gun.

One girl said,
Kill me now,
I will never give up
my Jesus,
No way No how.

When all was said,
and the deed was done.
Not one beleiver left standing,
not even one.

Entered Heaven,
great rejoicing and singing,
No more to wander
no more to roam.

a second of pain
for heaven to gain

a faith to stand
no matter the blow
a faith to stand
no matter the foe

To cling to Christ
through all the pain
to run the race
and finish in the heavenly place


abba do you care
i look for you
you are not there
when in doubt
you are not about

abba you left me
what will the man i am
turn out to be

a father who turns his back
leaving a son
that needs a man in his life

i only know if i am like you
a family i will not have

my son will see Jesus in me
he will know i care
i will be there

on me my wife can depend
i will never be your kind of man

so fathers think before you go


ch a very selfish thing taking your life and leaving others the pain
is it a sin, yes if well thought about and all things planned but, will it keep us from heaven
God is the judge of that, do we commit suicide when we smoke, or if we eat to fattness how about never excercizing and just sitting in front of tv
are we all not on a road to death, yes but, there are ways of hastening our death so how can
we say that suicide is going to send you to hell
God has a reason for your life and he did not create you to take your life into your hands
but only he has a say over heaven and hell

jack hayford

today november 28 2008 i am in ft wayne indiana at a national day of prayer for foursquare church led by pastor Jack Hayford In the sanucary the holy spirit moved and people were
crying and singing and just enjoying being in the precense of God When God is in the room
the emotion is high
Is God an emotional God, yes yes yes, he created man, which means he created in us feelings
a great capacity of love and our emotional side so yes he uses feeling emotions and other ways to
get in contact with those who worship him

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Life is hard and each day we face work, worry and some small happiness if we are lucky,
why God why do we face what we do.
Maybe we need to look within, did I do what will bring a good life?? Did I wait to get married
did I save myself for my true love?? Did I live like a holy person would, meaning did I give
and help others, did I budget my money and not waste it, (wasting a blessing) did I obey
the law?? Did I stay sober or was I doing my body harm?? Do we get in trouble through sin
then say Father why don't you help, you made me, you know I am weak in this area??
How much better life would be if we just love the Lord and do his will, we will be better
for it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


fire burns and destroys
leaving nothing but ash.
nothing but a smoldering

fire is a destoyer
that knows no stopping

fire also refines
it makes gold
lose its impurities

silver is also
sent through the fire

so when we go through
the tough times
remember God may
be refining you

purifying you for service


Loud words here,
Shattered glass there,
what is happening
strife everywhere

Fighting and yelling,
that is a shame.
when before God
this same man and woman

no getting along
ugly words spoken
seems they can't remember
the vow they had

a sorry sight
as they fought
into the night

A man of God
came to that house
he seen what each
had done to their

they both agreed
the fight they would

The man said
in you God sees his son
if this marriage is to last
to Jesus you must run

They both had a prayer
there was peace and quiet

All things were not fixed

but with Jesus
there was a new start.
both of them
had a new heart.

when in strife
and fear abounds
call out to Jesus
he will come down


david seen the giant and knew the men were scared, but when the giant taunted the people with making fun of their God. David grew livid, no one was going to put his God down, no one, no how. David said I will fight this heathen and deliver his head for my God is with me, anyone knows who has ever fought a fight for God against evil, temptation or things opposed to
God: what happens Lucifer starts in and says: Davy you are small, he is huge, Davy, these
fighting men older, wiser and a lot more training will not fight him, Davy you are toast.
there is no way this giant will be brought down by you, yet God was saying GO GO I will be
with you.

We know our God and Goliath fell his armor bearer run off and Gods people put the enemy to flight
when doubts assail you God will uphold you

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Why did Jesus ride a colt into Jeruslem maybe to prove once again that he was over all nature and creation. If you have ever rode an unbrode horse, the one thing on his mind is getting you off his
back. The colt Jesus rode never bucked or reared, he was tamed by God.. He never thought of
getting Jesus off his back.

Maybe we should take a lesson off the colt, not think of Jesus on our back, but on our side and
not try to circumvent his will for our life. Sometimes we try to resist and go our own way, the
colt knew the right way, and we do also.



Creation is a small reflection, of a large God.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


there is joy in this wedding
feasting and fun
what can we do at this wedding
the wine is no more

mary said listen
do what my son says
he will restore the joy
and the wine will once
more pour

Jesus said
fill these jugs
to the brim
take a cup to the
wedding director

the wine was great
best he ever had
when the lord
does something

he does it better
then we ever could

what do we do

what do we do
when our world
falls apart

where do we go
to get a new start

when around us
the sky has turned gray

what do we do
what can we say

there is only one
that can wash
away that past

we can began again
we can open up
to God

do we obey others
do we follow their path
have others the answer
only those who know
the only Answer

if this is bewildering
and there is no
figuring it out
I say open the
word of God

there is a way
and it is to be sought
and it will be found

Thursday, October 16, 2008

new under the sun

Is there anything new under the sun?? (I think on the psalms, the proverbs and Lamentations
and you have to wonder,, what could I say that has not been said. Jesus was on earth for 33 years and changed the world and peoples lives. He is still at it today and all know he is still the King and Lord so how do we follow that?? Writers and singers and many smart and funny people have talked about Christ for 2000 years is there anything new to say??

Just give our all and worship with heart and soul and be loved on by God, be humble and walk softly and be strong and courageous.

play in short

Did you know Jason commited suicide?? Senior girl to another girl.
Oh No, I just talked to him yesterday.
It is just awful. I feel really bad. Senior
Why you blew him off, and made him look small every time you could.
Gee I never wanted him to kill himself, just to quit talking to me. Senior
Well he went to my youth group and because of my friends, I shunned him, I will be different from here on out.
She leaves to set in the lunchroom with a guy that everyone else don't see.

Do we exemplify Christ or or friends??

lucky or blessed

You never get a ticket, why?? The Lord says Obey the laws of the Land.
You protest abortion, is that not a law of the land? Yes, but in this case the law of the Lord supercedes the local law.
So if it is a law but agaist God then you obey God?? Yes, if you really do as you beleive you have to set a standard and live by it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

soliders story

A solider lay crying, disheartened, alone. He had once had friends but they deserted him after
they heard his story.
He had decided to leave, he was not the man he used to be.
He was one of the soliders who had slapped Jesus and helped weave the crown of thorns. He
never realized what kind of man the army had made him till Jesus looked at him. He went to the
cross when Jesus died.
He was frightened and didn't understand the darkness and the earthquake, he had never seen
the like of it.
He was assigned to guard the grave, why?? Why guard a dead man, he wasn't going anywhere.
He was there when the stone rolled away and was struck as if dead.
The soliders reported to their captain and he took them to the Jewish High Council, the Jews
paid them not to report this.
The soliders started dying in different ways and the solider knew he would be next, the High
Council wanted no one alive to know the true story.
He deserted one night when on guard duty, and went to Galilee and took a job as a fisherman
he grew his beard wore a turban and clothes of the area.
Some of the fishermen talked of Jesus, the rabbi who was crucified, some said Jesus was the
son of God.
The solider learned of the Chosen People and their history, he asked few questions, and this
got some of the Jews talking of Moses, Abraham and the phrophets. He found a few beleived
Jesus was the Messiah.
He asked what a Messiah was and found out, it was one who would save his people, some
thought Jesus was going to bring all nations under their feet, till he was crucified then they
lost hope. Some though thought Jesus was more about their souls and getting them back
to God.
When he heard these things, he was scared because he had helped kill Jesus.
One day he heard some of the fishermen talking to a man named Peter, about Jesus.
Peter said Jesus is not dead.. He is alive and giving new life every day to those that beleive
on him.
The solider asked Peter how he knew Jesus was alive, and Peter said I have talked with
him and ate with him.
The solider told Peter his story and how he had come to be there. He also told Peter
about how bad he felt because of what he done.
Peter taught him how to pray and how to ask for forgiveness, the solider felt so clean and
new, and he knew Jesus did love him.
He went to his home and told others what had happened some beleived and they formed
a church.

fathers faith

John 4:50 You may go. Your son will live.
The man took Jesus at his word and departed.

Jesus healed his son, because the father asked, Ask and ye shall receive "seek and ye shall find.
When we ask forgiveness, Jesus gives freely.

The man took Jesus at his word and departed. we need to take Jesus at his word, we are free in
him, our old man and the little demons whisper no you are not clean. We need to take Jesus at
his word and say no I AM Free and been washed and I will not dwell in the negative.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

what is up with the pharisee

You see a man withered hand and he is healed by Jesus, do you go to him and say Master you are truly wonderful.
No the Pharisee wants to kill Jesus, just doesn't make sense.

is it

Is it possible to please God?? To make the creator of the World love you so much he is going to say yes to every prayer you make?? No, if yu want to please the creator then you would worship because of who he is. Nothing in it for you but, the joy of touching God and him touching you.
God wants you to have the desires of yur heart, he wants your desires to be holy and not carnal.
He don't answer some the way we want because it would hurt us..

Friday, October 3, 2008


When I got to hold my children for the first time, I KNEW without a doubt what Love was and is I mean a part of me, that I would die for, was in my hands. They were without a doubt a miracle and I also knew that I would never be the same. I would worry fret and pray for them and try to never let them get hurt, Proably over protective.
Lets take this to God, he looked down, saw creation and the animals and man and knew it was good. He also had a giganic love for that creation. He had to destroy it and this had to hurt the
heart of God.
When he looks down and sees his creation reject him, this has to hurt, he is love unimagable and for him to see man reject his sons sacrifice, I am surprized he has let us around so long, but he is love grace and mercy rolled into one

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I found your Bible underneath a tree,
and started reading about thee,

The words and storys took me by surprize,
my life had always been full of lies.

I gave you my life that day,
Never regreted following the way.

A new creation
that is what I be,
since I found the Bible
underneath the tree.

(song by bread))


(to tune of house of the rising sun)

There is a church in New Orleans, it is called the Rising Son,
it has been the deliverance of many of poor man,
and God I know I am one.

Prison I have lived in,
and many a sin I have done.

I went to alter at the church,
my life is changed,
sin is no longer fun.

So mothers take your children
to the Church of the Rising Son
So they can be set free
and never be to the places
I have been.

Many a snare
is out there.
Many a man has fell,
Take your son,
to the church,
it may keep him out of jail..


A famous man was asked if God still done miracles, he said "Look at my life and how I lived before Jesus and you will see the miracle he does.
If people look for miracles they may not see God, he works inside the heart and heals the mind. He sets people free. Jesus done many miracles, did all the people follow him?? He said some
of these are following me just to get fed.. To get really fed now, read your Bible daily. Pray and
meditate upon the magnifence of God.


A politician does the best they can do for their constiuents, if you can bring in jobs and you are a governor, does it matter if the money is well spent?? If you can get jobs for two or three years and bring money into the economy of your state, it is your job.

The difference in being governor and president is you have to do what is right for the majority of the people. You are a statesman and do what is right for the ship of state, you will never satisfy all the people but, if the country benefits, then do what is right.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Is God still working today

I beleive a rainbow,
does show God.
a ray of sunshine
a wisp of wind.

all creation has a fingerprint
God has shown his love
in everything

the person next door
the food you eat
the water for your thirst
the salvation of your soul

God is still reaching out
he still is love

Sunday, September 28, 2008

new joke

3 times people enter the church
hatched (born)
matched (married)
dispatched (died)


while I have felt quilty for wrong I am sure I never felt the wrong that was laid on Jesus

every dispicable thing done by mankind to mankind and creation it boggles the mind
God could not even see his son through all the sin, he raised him up sinless but, Jesus
had to carry that sin on the cross

How could we ever deny a Jesus that would do this for a worthless bunch of people that very
seldom put him first or even think of him??

old movie

for a heartstopping movie watch Vertical Limit

my country

my land my space

freedom and joy
who else enjoys the land we live in
who would die for it
only those who are proud
only those who know
the right to live here
is to die for

snow storm

Lost in a world of white,
can't tell if it is day or night.

Drifting and getting deep,
Just want to make it through,
Just want to sleep.

Can't stop till I am safe,
The cold is to the bone,
No towers on my cell phone.

What to do when lost,
can't find my way,
Fall to my knees.

Hear someone shouting
my name they call.
Is it really safe,
In this snow I will fall.

Someone holding my hand
Rubbing my face.
I will not die
I will get out of this place.

When in darkest doubt
to God give a shout out.

Place in this world

You ever wonder why, what am I doing here?? Is there a purpose behind going to work, eating sleeping and doing it all over again??
I knit you in the womb. God
He created you for things like witness, helping others, being a friend of God, which means being a friend of man.
Until we get out of ourselves and start serving God then we are in for hopelessness and boredom.
Once we get into his mission our lives have meaning and purpose.
Be humble and never be afraid to put others before you.

Friday, September 26, 2008

yancy (disappointment with God)

This is a book for anyone who ever Questioned, Why don't God do something, my life is falling
apart, my friend is dieing, I am in debt, I have a relative in Iraq. Where is God?? He is in the
same place he always is, In the heart and in the situation. Helping you to handle all life throws
at you. The Israelites had God in their camp nite and day yet, sinned and went astray.
The disciples had Jesus yet, one betrayed him, one denied him and the rest just split.
God coming into your life in a big way, is what happened to Job, and he was overwhelmed.
Is God dissapointed with us?? Look at how we live and our pride and the things we cherish,
and is Jesus first and foremost?? We may answere yes but, God knows.


Here I sit and ponder,
about this world,
I often wander.

We are man,
with dominion,
yet we diminish,
instead of build.

Should not the Creator,
step in and say,
Hey your wrong.

I happen to beleive when
the Lord comes back,
this earth will be ruined

This is why there will
be a new heaven and
a new earth.

bail out

Ok the people who loan the money and put us in debt, all their possesions need to be sold all their
money, relinqued and then put in jail. If someone robs someone they are put in jail, yet if a finacial planner takes all you got, they get slapped on the wrist, even having soft prisons for them.
If more of these people got all their stuff taken and had to live as the ones they robbed maybe
they would think twice about their greed.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How much is to much??

How much should our government require, the workers work and have to pay for those who don't
work. How much of our paycheck should the government require?? How long can the Congress
spend more then they take in??

If the House and Senate were actual houses, they would be repossessed by now.

old man

Have we put to death the old man, the part of us that rises up against what the Lord would have
us to do?? Is our past still hounding us, even though we know Jesus took care of it. Are we still
having trouble with our carnal self or our materilistic self?? Do we don more things of the world
then things of God's nature??
How can we live like that?? Paul says "the things I want to do, I don't do and the things I don't
want to do I do" It is not just a problem you or me might have, the apostles had it to.
Prayer and walking in the Word and having a mentor or accountability partner comes in

Jesus will help us with temptation as long as we give it all to him and strengthen our will by

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Saw a sunset
Bright sun dark clouds
colors shot through the heaven
What a wonderous sight
God sends such marvelous light.

Into our lives he moves,
We are never the same.
We are new creature
looking at a creation
that has been around
we are seeing it through
new eyes

God is looking at a new
Someone living for him
and not for themself.

A true miracle of birth
as much as a new born babe

Help me Lord to remember
that day. I was made new

small things

Small things trigger memory
Sparrow in a tree
I think of thee
{not a sparrow falls without God's knowledge}

Combed my hair,
You were there
counting each one (the hairs on your head I number)

My little lies,
God knows each one.
Yet still loves me.


Guilt is heavy upon my soul, why did I sin. I knew it was sin yet, still sinned.
I can't even imagine the sins of the world on my shoulders and God not be
able to see me through all the sin, I would be overwhelmed. Jesus did this
for us {all sin for all time} murder, lies, sexual immorality, pride so what can
we do for him??

book report

philip yancy dissapoinment with God

Great book and kinda deep. It is telling a lot about God. Where is he in our pain, why does he not
answer my cry. I am in trouble because I disobeyed his word. Why don't he wipe out my debt,
my pain, heal my child.
It has these answers some you may not want to hear, yet seems so true.
God showed himself to the Israelites, the children of Israel, they acted like disobediant children
never followed the Lord.
We don't see the Lord, yet we need to obey. Faith is that which is unseen.
Read the Book


Leaves fall to the ground,
they all turn dry and brown.

Grass does wither,
the green is gone.
Their is ice,
upon the pond.

Color is gone,
no light to see.
It is dismal and dark,
oh for some light for me.

gray the sky
nippy the wind
winter is bland
summer is grand

Soon I will wither,
My knees grow weak.
Time takes its toll.
No longer at my peak.

Time takes its toll.
My hourglass only third full.

When the sand runs out,
I will leave with a shout.

This world will be no more.
I will knock on heavens door.

Jesus will let me in,
No more dark days
be happier then
ever been


I want to be your
one and only,
Think of me,
when your lonely.

When depressed,
in darkest gloom,
I will join you,
in your room.

While you have breath,
I will be here,
When your time,
is near.
I want to be there,
cause without you,
is only despair.


When we get to heaven will we feel bad because of our witness??
Proably not, there are no tears in heaven and their is no condemnation in those who are in
Christ Jesus.
We can't change the past, but we can work harder on the here and now, so witness
and show love.


Jobs leaving our shore yet, selling their stuff back into this country, any place outsoucing to foriegn
lands needs a ultamation to pay their people for five years so that they can get a head start on
a new life. Any body been their for over 20 years should have a pension equal to half their pay.
Would this make the boards set up and take notice.

Free trade

Free trade and fair trade are totally different, free trade means China, Japan, and India can
send any junk they want to us. They can send lead paint on toys, spoiled meat and any
cars that they make and we will accept them. We can send a car have it inspected tore apart
and overpriced so it cannot compete. We cannot even send our rice or farm supplies, free
trade means open borders on stuff coming in but, closed on our stuff.
Fair trade means if we take 40 billion worth of junk, you take 40 billion of our stuff.

It means your stuff meets the qualification ours has to.
It means jobs here, that is what it boils down to.

Free trade

Free t


Your precense takes my breath;
I do not need a thing,
When you are near.

I seek your prescence all the day,
In all my work,
In all my play.

Help me to lift you high,
Let my life be lived,
so you I glorify.

Let your earth rejoice,
because of the love you show.



I pray in desparation,
Great tightness in my chest,
Know what I want to say,
but the words
I can not express.

I recite the alcabet,
Letting God put together,
the desires of my heart.

He knows of my desparation,
of the longing and the fear,
after my reciting ,
he does see my tears.

I feel peace within,
and know God is near.
I know he has sorted out my cry,
and to him,
the situation is clear.

So when in doubt,
about what to pray.
Go to your knees,
recite your a, b, c's.

Let God know on whom
you depend,
God will come down,
on you
peace will descend.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Refugees needing help,
Displaced people.
Kicked to the curb.

Who are the hurting,
the lonely,
the lost.

The native
who were kicked,
and beaten.
their lands taken,
their women and children

Destroyed their land,
took their pride,
Took all away,
Leaving destruction
and pain.

Sent them to the barren
Not fit for white man.

Yet when the
country calls.
They answer.

They will still fight
and die.
for others that treated

Patriotism for AMERICA.


Studied all my life;
Answers for all of this,
Could not find a reason,
Although I had a list.

Suffering, pain, anger, sorrow,
Hurting so bad,
Wishing for no tommorow,
So I could forget the sad.

Happiness, joy, peace, love,
So much fun.
to be had,
Under the sun.

Helping others,
giving out unflinchingly,
A joy there,
You can clearly see.

Living for oneself,
Taking all for me,
no satisfaction,
that I can see.

the ones who love,
who give everything.
Knew the answer
I tried to find.

I answered the call,
Jesus said,
Give unto others,
Give your all.

I had found the answer,
I had looked for,
Now I give.
till no more I have

Uriah was a troubled child
He ran from abusive home.
Uriah fought and won,
as he traveled a lonely road.

Uriah happened upon David,
out in the wild.
Met David's band,
Decided this is my crowd.

Uriah fought many a battle,
Always out in front.
King David was his chief,
He would do;
what the King did want.

David slept with Uriah's
He tried to cover it up,
then he took Uriah;s life

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I have a dog
he is a long one
he chases a ball
and lays on a lap

if you want love
buy a dog


a girl i know use to be fun
now this girl is on the run
fell in with a nasty guy
robbed a store
I don't know why

She is out there tonight
I know she is scared
out there tonight
on the run

I hope she finds her way
I pray this today

May the God above
show her his love
and she change her way
I know she has a heart of gold
she is just messed up
and needs someone


where is pleasure found

where is fun
where is joy
is there more to life
then just toys

who do I talk to
share my heart
and my pain
someone real
that has been there

God send someone
to heal the pain
I know what your
son did
Im forgiven
just need a mentor
a helper in this earth

life in the fast lane

drinking driving dancing and loving
life is grand
till it deals you a bad hand

Did not aim to wreck that car.
Did not aim to break a heart.
Why do I have to live life as a bad boy

You don't you can change
The things of the past
can be forgiven
yet the child you have
will still be there

the jail time you face
will not erase
you have to pay
for the life you lead

you have to learn
that sins can be
but life is not


The test of time
the barn in ruins
what to do with
a life the same way

We pray and say
it will be ok.
Is it, no maybe not.
still some die
still some cry
the night is long
but a new day
is dawning

we have to get by
we have to leave
what do we leave
others profit by
our saying good-by

someone preaches a funeral
someone there hears their
prayer and all at once
the light of Jesus

shines within and
then without
as they want
to let the good news


the night was dark
the day was long
very down today
is this wrong

no one to love
parents are gone
sisters and brothers
i have none

searched for riches
searched for fun
still alone
till i am done

I am waiting
what for
I don't know
but a sense of
knowing somewhere

there is someone
to love me
people die
friends move away
where can I go

picked up a Bible
read it aloud
recorded it
played it back

I understand loneliness
of Jesus in the garden
I can comprehend
when they leave you

I understood death
Jesus saw his father die
He never raised him
there is a reason for this

Jesus word says
all must die and
face the judgement

I was scared and alone
how do I get to

Jesus said Beleive in Me
I will never leave you or
forsake you

Now I am no longer
I also met another that
is not alone
We have Christ and
each other


a teacher of sunday school
wondered about his life
he never knew the effect
he had on others

cutting up
being mean
he never ever lost
his temper

he put up with
a goof ball
to reach others

now that goofball
is teaching
sunday school.


I had a friend
knew him since
I was three.
HE went to war
I stayed home
in Iraq
he died.

Never again
to see this friend.
A friend to the end
now is gone.

He wrote
he had to say
if I die here
it is for a good thing.

He said
We are free
We don't see
the pain of subjection
of someone else
making you live your

I miss him
I know he is better
I am glad his death
was for a reason.

Monday, August 18, 2008


A book is a wonderful thing,
it sometimes makes your heart sing.
A Bible can give you life,
You will still have strife.
Comfort will be there,
In the book and in prayer.

Do not lose sight of hope,
Read the Bible.

Story of David and Goliath.
also of the ones that love you,
Story of Daniel in Lions den,
had it rough,
till God came in.

Shadrach, Meschach, and Abendego.
all had there times
it was rough.
Jesus showed up
Fire didn't burn.

God is in all your problems,
Live or die.
He is the Comforter.
He is the God of Life.


a horse has a long face cause it is sad.
Cannibal eating a clown but, the clown taste funny.

line item veto

If all the politicians were statesman then they would be trying to better this country instead of
sticking money in pockets that don't need it. If a university has an idea of doing something then
it should pay for itself the people need not pay.

nationl debt

I propose we pay the national debt by taking 1 percent of the Gnp and appling it to the debt.
If national debt is paid and the goverment lives within its limits. Our country would have all
the interest we pay going to us.
We need to have a national sales tax never going above 10 percent. We could then get rid of
the IRS. We could make it so everyone pays.. A million dollar home or a 100,000 dollar home
cars and all else excepting groceries and pharmacuticals.
We should never have to give the goverment more then the Lord requires, 10 percent.


Work is fun,
When it is done.

Sweat by work,
is natural.
A job well done,
is a good thing.

May life be good
work be fun.
Pay be enough.
Rest for the weary.

losing a loved one

Funny, when you are young, life has a way of being great. The life of a 20 year old is open before them. They have no house payment, no calls on their life except for friends.
Then the 30s come along and the payments the spouse the children and all the things life throws at you. Bills and divorce, parents getting old and children needing you. then the 40s with the
children getting pregnant and sons going to war. Then we have the 50s with the parents living
with you and all the other things still going on plus retirement to think of and if your company is
going to stay in business.
LIFE IS HARD, without a Lord to lean on and a good spouse close by then you may get sucked under.


Here I am
older then I ever
wanted to be.
Life has been good,

War was bad,
Leaves was good.
People dying all around,
yet here I am.

Wife is gone,
children moved away.
I am alone.
Kinda like it that way.

God determines our days,
We have no say.
We have a better life,
if healthy we be.
who wants to live to 83??

My farm was good,
Land was life,
veggies growing,
cows mooing
chickens clucking.

What a good life.

NOW it is all downhill.
no more to farm,
no more to roam.
the other side is calling.
I am ready.

An old man was found on a park bench, appanenly died of old age.
Something in the dark,
Terror by night.
Someones dead.
others full of fright

Where do I dwell,
Can I run?
Stalkers hear me,

Lord of my life,
I need comfort.
If I die,
please accept
my soul.

Morning comes,
Sun is bright.
God has got me
through the night.

Despair or prayer?
Light or Darkness.
We choose,
Life is made by us,
choosing wisely.