Monday, October 27, 2008

three men

three men stood,
while others bowed.
the kings statue
had wowed the crowd

why do you stand?
fall on your knees,
to the statue bow,
that is the kings plan.

we shall not bow
or bend a knee
we only bow
to one who is holy

the king said
if you do not show
respect to me
into the furnace
you will go

if me you deny
then you will fry

OH king to a idol
made by hand
we cannot bow
but only stand

we worship our true God
who made land and sea
of our praise
he is worthy

into the firey furnace
they did go
when th e fire did not
their faith did grow

the king said
look there
another man is in there
with the face of God

the king said
come out of there
they never got burned
nor singed their hair

God will still work
in your life today
if to him you take
your problems
when you pray

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