Friday, October 3, 2008


When I got to hold my children for the first time, I KNEW without a doubt what Love was and is I mean a part of me, that I would die for, was in my hands. They were without a doubt a miracle and I also knew that I would never be the same. I would worry fret and pray for them and try to never let them get hurt, Proably over protective.
Lets take this to God, he looked down, saw creation and the animals and man and knew it was good. He also had a giganic love for that creation. He had to destroy it and this had to hurt the
heart of God.
When he looks down and sees his creation reject him, this has to hurt, he is love unimagable and for him to see man reject his sons sacrifice, I am surprized he has let us around so long, but he is love grace and mercy rolled into one

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