Sunday, December 5, 2010


I been waiting,
Rain or shine.
Praying, offering sacrifice,
hoping he comes home.

He has been gone so long,

I have heard of his life,
Lord, bring him home,
before the end of my life.

I see someone,
They are far away,
Is it my son,
coming my way.

I am running,
by boy is home,
my heart is full.

Son, You are my beloved,
Child of my loin.
Please come in, partake,
You have made my heart, beat again.

Son, don:t talk,
Just let me look at you.
My servants have your bath,
Please just enjoy.

I have waited,
I look for you.
You are loved.
you were never far from my heart.

Jesus, is with us in our sin and turning away and wants nothing more then to welcome you back and to welcome you home when you turn back to him.

Monday, November 29, 2010

where, do you care

Where ar you, when I hurt,
Where are you in the pain.
Is there hope for me,
I am crying out.

I know you are there,
I feel your presence.
I know you care,
Bring me peace.

Lord, when you are so far away, I have moved.

suicide, why i died

You have seen me,
Yet, you act as if I am not there.
You are popular,
friends all around.

I set alone,
in school, at home.

Have you ever spoke,
No not once.
All I needed,
was a nod.

Yet, day by day,
I was never acknowledged.

Why did I die,
Because I tried.
I spoke to you,
Your friends too.

Did you ever speak back,
Yeah; a couple of times
To make fun of me.

I am gone now,
You say the right things.

Yet, when it might have mattered,
You were not there.

How can we proclaim Christ, an avoid his hurting child.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

how do I stay in his will

Stay in Gods will by budgeting, tithing, eating right, choosing a Godly mate, and being obident if not trouble comes and it comes fromyour own self will

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Freedom is not free, it cost many their lives, it came with great sacrifice, remember the solider, this Veterans Day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

veterans day


say neighbor that is a lot of red, white and blue,
is there a politician coming thru?
No, I love this country,
and to show this is true
that is why all this red white and blue

Four flags, why is that,
One for north south east and west
One for every direction that vets
have laid down there lives

Why so much,
Is there to much
If I were a fan
I would have Nascar colors

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Man here I am, in a den. Smell like old bones, and meat in the air, it stinks in here. Lions growling, walking around, making a place for me to set down, leaning on their hide, it is not so bad, God is here, I am not sad.
My Lord does protect those that stand for him, when in doubt, give
God a shout out. He never leaves you or forsakes you.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

all I need to know the Bible taught me

I learned a lot from the word of God, he is holy and ever present in times of trouble he is where we run when seeking shelter. He is greatly to be praised at all times, because of joy, and comfort.
I don't want to be a fundemendalist, yet I want to follow Jesus, and sometimes I guess by
always talking of the love of Jesus, which is unconditional, we forget God who, destroyed those
that did not want nothing to do with him. He loved the Nievites and sent Jonah, to them, he
used enemies of Israel to bring them back to him, it does not say the enemies were Gods
chosen, yet they were chosen to terrify the Isralites. God destroyed the Korahites in the
desert and sent plaques on his people for disobediance. He loved David, yet sent trouble on
him for his disobedience.
Should we overlook disobediance to God, because of love?? Should we allow sin in our churchs
not from people who know no better, but from people who say they love God, yet continue to
live in sin.
It is a hard question, I have to ask is this a good example for children or new christians,
I really don't have the answer I just know sometimes we have to question what to do,
we don't want to judge, but blatant sin may need looking into??

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

struggle years {without Jesus}

When I was a child,
very meek, and mild.
Bullies of the world surround,
They always knocked me around.

The teen years came,
with them, more of the same.

A lonely guy,
No girl, no friend,
Thinking life is bad,
and will never end.

Then the Marines,
helped make me a man.
Went to Korea and Japan.

Realized people like me,
Dieing in Nam.
I had to make life count,
If I can.

Got home, bought a bike,
Road called to me,
Done whatever I like.

Got married, had children,
Show them another way.
Sought the God of my youth,
He was waiting for me.

Now each day belongs to him,
The future is no longer grim.

When my time is thru,
Jesus will take me home.
This I know to be true.

Do you know,
where you will go.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

yard sale

Picked up an old Bible, at the yard sale one day, thought it might be worth something some day. I layed it up for a year or two, then found it, while looking for a pair of shoes.
Set down read a little, I thought the stories were great, a skinny kid defeating a giant loudmouth, a man who commanded it not to rain, and then called down fire from above to fry his enemies. I read of a man, who had it all, then Satan took everything. I read of men walking by sick people and their shadow made them well. I read of a man who was going to sacrifice his own son. These stories and more made me read the next day. I read of an innocent man that died a horrible death. Then I discovered myself in that book as the sinful man that he died for. I had a decision to make, to beleive this Bible and what it said or go my way. It turned out to be worth more then I ever thought, I take it everywhere and read it a lot, I have found others like me and I now have joy. Thank you Lord for putting that Bible there.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

the web

We who are in Jesus, are connected by a large web, some in the web are connected with nonbeleivers and when our world is shaken. Nonbeilevers look to see how we react. Will we react as the world or as a follower of Christ. When a beleiver somewhere overseas gets persucuted we need to pray, to connect the spider like web between us that has the cross in its middle. We are shaken but the connections remain strong between beleivers, yes some you may not like but, love them you must. U will spend eternity with them. Will all the beleivers come together to love Jesus.

Friday, July 23, 2010

when we do without God

Sarah never realized the trouble she brought on Issac, by having Hagar have Ishmael, she started things that come down to today. All because she never beleived God. What God says will happen, he will put into place.
Never doubt that your God knows where you are in your walk, your suffering, He will show up there and be in your life. He will comfort, he knows what is best for you. He has your lifes plan, sure you can mess it up or flow with it and be blessed.

first day of life

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You know today could be the day of change, today run 15 minutes, today talk to someone you normally don't. Today is the day to put 5 dollars in the bank. Today is the day, 24 hours to do something, start something, be someone to somebody. Use today for Gods Glory.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

God is there

We sit and cry
and wonder why
How long will I suffer
this time

Is there an end
does it ever stop
seems like forever

Once your done
how long till
the next wave

Seems happiness
is for others

I have joy
it comes in the morning
Maybe today
things will be different

I know the plans
I have for you
God says

I wonder if the plan
is to be a modern
day Job

I know how much
you can take

He knows
I sure don't
so I pray

Thursday, July 15, 2010

sermon suffering

God will refine you till you are pure, by trial and suffering. When refining gold or silver you get all the impurities out by heat, in silver you can see your face after the refining is done, after God refines you: you can look upon his face. No more sin in you, it has been shed by tears and prayer and bowed before a holy God.
A diamond is a peice of coal that has been put under pressure and heat, then you get a beautiful stone. It was under pressure first.
A pearl is a peice of sand that irratates a oyster, it bothers the oyster so that it puts a veil over it that turns into a pearl.
We get suffering in our lives. do we blame God or turn to God. He will give you comfort and He knows what you are going thru. Does God do this to hurt us or grow us, ask yourself. When it is all past are we a better person cause of it.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

does God let us even today be tested

Job was tested after he had been blessed with a hedge of protection around his life, then the trouble began. Job says I came into life naked all I have is from
God think He acknowledged the creator was his provider. If God wants to take it back it is his, in Jobs case he also multiplied all he had. When we are in a trial today, think of it as a test, will you pass or blame God.

new day

24 hours to enjoy life 24 hours to worship and praise the Lord, In one day the earth was turned onto the light, one day the land was seperated from the water, one day MAN was made. Wonder how long it took for woman lol God looked at chaos and said I can do something with that. Is that not great.
I beleive in fellowship with God, why we are created, not to do our own thing but to do the will of God also to enjoy his fellowship. The greatest freind you will ever have.

Friday, July 9, 2010

God created man in his image

This is awesome, we are like a impersonator, we are not God, our words no matter how much we study will not stand up to the Bible. We need to be close to God and do our very best to be like Jesus.


Why should not a nation, fight to preserve itself. If others want to bring it down, then they have the God given right to defend and persevere. No other nation will let outsiders shoot rockets at them throw stones at their soliders and aggravate their nation. Why do outsiders stick their nose in Israels business, it is not right and God says he will stick by the nation that sticks by Israel, if someone done a study, this would be proven.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


To celebrate freedom, we will set off huge explosions and bright lights. Yet we will be free in Jesus without lights or explosions.


Free to travel without papers or border hassles, free to worship in church or woods or lake, free to protect your family, free to have a hand in electing our leaders.
4th of July freedom day
let your voice shout
set off the fireworks
You are free in America, and you can be free in Jesus.
He will set you free of all.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Forgive before you pray, in Job he prayed for his friends then got his blessing. God made Job realize no matter the circumstance he was there.

last day

If you had twenty four hours to live what would you do, spend it with loved ones, go parachuting, float the river, pray for more time, look back on memories and get in photo albums. Would you spend time with the Creator, or just keep asking why.
Just think this could be your last day, we don't know, so live for Christ, love like each day is your last and be the person God would have you be.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God know the future

We have a God that knows our future it will change, no matter what you are going thru now.
the ones in the fiery furnance and the lions den, one in prison to become Pharohs helper it,
can change in a instant.
Job s situation changed it seemed day to day.
Just cling to Jesus.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


games we play with others does not work with God
when we say we are fine
and we are not
you know God knows
sometimes we wonder does anyone care
yeah there is always
one who cares
pray for one another

Friday, April 16, 2010

tax time in israil

it is time, so a Pharisee, comes to levy what you owe, he looks at your crop and herds and says God has prospered you now, you need to give to the Levites so much and he says how much
how would you like to live under such a system

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

easter life anew

Soon it will be
easter a time to celebrate everything coming back to life, it is easir to make a easter resulution then a new years resolution let this be the year you come home to Jesus and make him Lord of your Life may you have joy whereever you go

he arose

New life everywhere,
the garden is pretty.
My Lord has Arisen,
to die no more.

He shall return
from the tomb
to the groom
He is the Lord

I will give you
a way to go
Obey and get blessed

Disobey and suffer.
Know what he has done
for you

Jesus the arisen one

Because of you, I died, because of you, I was afflicted, because of love, and your eternal destiny. I will do anything to keep you from hell. I already have, those sins you do, I took care of, you go your own way, I am still there, whispering your name.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

mercy and grace

He arose
and conquered death
He arose
thats why we sing
He arose
alive forevermore
He arose
to give us eternity

Let the Lord
rule your life
do you know him
as the reigning King

He lived, died, rose again
showing the way
Just let your heart open
to Him

Monday, March 22, 2010

how to explain a living Lord

a religion or a relationship
a set of laws or

what do we need

easter day

A spring morning
bright with promise
a weeping woman
searching for the Lord

When seeking the Lord
He is not lost
we are
He will find us

Joy unspeakable
For this world
and beyond

Relationship with Jesus
Sweeter then any
Easter candy
and lasts forever

Sunday, March 21, 2010


An empty tomb
a garden full of new life
a lonely woman crying
a figure not recognized


Friday, March 12, 2010

life is now

Life is now
share Jesus
U may never see
that person again

so share
like you care
life is short
eternity is long

love Jesus
share his love


Man I built this city
by sweat and blood
whip on the back
always pushing on

no rest just work
free labor
for the eqyptians
man I want out

Moses came
led the way
still they complained

do we complain
we have Jesus
is he not enough
everything else is just stuff

is not a Savior
that gives his life
enough to endure
your present strife

so you have not
a fancy car
a house that people
you have something
that makes people
why are you different

because of Jesus
share his word

Saturday, March 6, 2010

God loves all

God loves you even in the hardest times just flow with him


today I was lonely
I then prayed
Jesus sent someone
and sent my blues away

today a storm was in the air
I prayed and then
there was peace
not within but without

you need to know
there is someone
who does care
who is always there

there is no wrong number
or out of order
God never says
push no 1 for loneliness
push no 2 for being scared
push no 3 for the lottery numbers
push no 4 for a real operator

no our Lord is always there
before we even fall to our knees

Sunday, February 21, 2010

sometimes God is not there

Pastor Steve said a boy he was baptizing said he felt
God was not there sometimes. If
God feels far away it is because we move not him. God does not want you to be sad, lonely or
feel unloved.
We go by feelings, yet no matter what we are feeling God is real and very alive in this world
of ours. So walk with him each day and love him in all things and remember the tough times make great testimonys, and Jesus is in them also


God has said

God never promises roses, or thorns. Life is full of both and God wants to be there to comfort in the hard times, and to share your joy in the good times. God wants you to be full of praise at all times to honor him because He is who He is. Your prosperity might just be cause you can relate to him and love him and have the confidence he is with you at all times.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


words do not your beauty explain
love is a word with an action refrain
if we could bottle what is inside
we could express love

mere words cannot fathom our God
how can a word even describe God
if we could acutually make our mind
touch Heaven we would be blank

we cannot aspire to what man once was
God enjoyed speaking to man in the garden
He still speaks to man in his Word
somehow it don/t feel the same

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

who moved

I am so far away
God you are not near

I really need you
there are things I fear

when we are far away
who moved

God is still on his throne
He still loves each of us

We put up the barriers
we can't find him

we have sin in the way
or we just have distractions

when we are far from God
it is because we have movec

Sunday, February 7, 2010

sermon notes

why worry about him, do what I ask
once you put your hand to the plow, don't look back
if you look back, it could become a salty situation (lots wife)
when in your new life, go forward, can't change the past, don't crave it either go forward with Jesus

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I set alone and read,
of prophets and kings,
of heaven and hell,
of wonderful things.

I soak in the Word,
Like water running on my head,
His word runs to my heart,
It sticks there, like a dart.

When asked about life,
and Where is God?
I share from my Word.
It cuts like a knife.

Is Jesus real,
Life an illision?
I point to creation,
Draw your own conclusion.

what about the money

Martha and Mary,
gave a great gasp,
their brother alive
so happy they could not say

should we get the money back
from the funeral LOL

God weep??

Does God weep?
Did a tear come to His eye;
When a friend David,
fell into sin.

Did the heart of God hurt,
When Peter denied;
and turned away

Did God look at Judas,
betraying his Son.
and feel a Father's pain.

Jesus wept, when Lazarus
was still in the ground.
When Lazarus rose,
there was cheering all around.

The Father seen his Son,
upon that tree,
He had to be hurting,
till that third day.
that was the rejoicing
that last thru all ages.

Lazarus 2

Lazarus, come forth
was called that day.

Weeping, mourning, wailing all around.
Lazarus dead, put in the cold hard ground.

Lazarus come forth,
come out to play.

weeping, crying, rejoicing
was heard everywhere.
the day Lazarus,
came out of death's lair.

Jesus is calling your name, come out of your old life
be made new
Walk in his way
you will find Jesus is always true


I awoke, seemed tied down,
there was darkness all around.

All of the sudden,
Light shone in.
People unwrapping me,
I live again.

Jesus called, Lazarus,
My heart beat.
I was awake.
I came forth.
into the heat.

When Jesus calls,
You answer right away.
I did anyway.

We will all be called,
Leaving earthly home,
No more to wander,
No more to roam.


When I was young,
things were simple then .
Right was right,
Wrong was a whippin.

If we strayed,
and we were caught.
was no fun,
what came our way.

We grow up,
offered oppertunities,
we should ignore.
God teachs a way,
we sometimes ignore.

The trouble when grown,
if not a slap on the hand.
It is behind bars,
that you will stand.

Dads Approval

Oh on top of a cloud,
Today of me, Dad said he was proud.
I walked the dog,
Took out the trash.
Did everything without being asked.

I never fought with my sister,
done my homework to.

Dad was beaming,
really happy you know.
Said son, I am proud,
a fine man you will be.

Our father in heaven,
loves us to you see.
He is proud when
we do what is right
without a fight.


I pray in desparation,
Great tightness in my chest,
there is something wrong,
I just can't express.

I recite my a, b, c's
So God can put together,
the prayer I want to say,
he knows my desparation,

of the longing and the fear.
I just keep reciting,
thru all my tears.

I feel the peace within,
and know the Lord is near.
He has took words not expressed,
and cleaned up the mess.

So when in doubt,
about what to pray,
Go to your knees,
recite your abc's

Let God know,
on whom you depend.
God will show up,
and peace will descend.

Trapeze man 2

a performer like me
Praying I was,
when your name
came to me

God sent me here,
to pray and to talk.
He loves you, Zargo
He wants you to know.

A beleiver I am,
Miracles come true.
Pray Gods will,
He will see you thru.

Trapeze man

When the bright lights go down,
A hush falls over the big top,
I go to the trailer alone,
to think and to be me.

In the limelight, I am
The Great Zargo,
of the flying trapeze.
Here I am just me.
on bended knee.

I know you are there,
I know you do care.
I really need a freind,
someone to talk to.

Someone to share my sorrow,
Someone to share the things of the heart.
Someone to come alongside,
that would be a start.

Then a knock on my door,
Who is it, I implore.
The answer I hear,
I am answer to prayer.

A man walks in,
Has a large grin.
How do you do,
I am a friend for you.

I get his name,
A midget is he,

50 word testimony

I am different bad habits gone
love for others expanded
sin is forgiven,
Baby in cradle, Teacher of Life,
Sacrifice on Cross,
Jesus has changed me,
My child put in my hands,
my love expands,
Do anything for my child,
God felt the same way,
Gave his Son for their redemption.

lonely people 2

In this gloomy space,
removed from the human race.
Sitting in my abode,
Bearing a heavy load.

I feel without power,
no energy of my own,
Can't get moving,
Depressed clear to the bone.

Get a call,
Someone does care,
talked to a Pastor,
He said Jesus does care.

I am releived to hear,
from someone, anyone
so I will listen,
Pointed my to Jesus,

Came and got me,
shared my story
He listened and prayed
I have two freinds now

I am releived my night
is done
I know the

rest of where is God

a tear in my eye,
God is here beside me
Here to guide me
I shall let no other in
God is my shield and my strengh,
When I go don't cry.
I am with Jesus,
Pain is done
Heaven brighter then the sun
Happy and free
with Jesus I will be

Where is God 2

brighter then the sun
happy and free,
that will be me

Where is God

Where is God in this pain,
coming on my body, wave after wave,
Keeps on coming, like the rain.
I keep praying, putting my hurts
before the Lord.

Comfort I receive, even thru the hurt.
I know my God suffered,
He has been there.

He whispers, hold on for now
This will help you grow.

This is a process, I know.

My God in his Word,
Says, I know what you can bear,
You are almost there.

There is an end in sight,
Keep praying, put up a good fight.

The reward will be great,
Never to early, never to late.
I keep marching on,

It seems to last to long,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

why is it so hard

Why is it so hard to beleive God could love us, is it because of the things we see in ourselves that bother us and we know we don't like. Is it because we think we don't deserve love, or we have
to buy love. God made us for one reason LOVE is that reason. He knows that you are not perfect, He made Hitler and Idi Amin, they were awful, but God still loved them and they
had a chance to find him and be forgiven.
When we have a child, we find Love is easy, yet it accomplishes so much, we will move
mountains for our children,



I married a fallen woman,
who ran away.
Slept with a different man,
each and every day.

I raised children,
not my own.
My wife never stayed,
she was bad to the bone.

I bought her from
the market.
Cleaned her up,
brought her back to me.

I loved her still,
even when she was unfaithful.
She was my chosen.

She suffered for her sin,
I hurt for it too.

I was chosen by God
to show Israel her sin.
I married this woman.
a story to tell.
Israel and Christians are loved by God and all others even those that don't acknowledge him.
when they stray, God brings them back sets them on their feet and they then stray again,
Jesus cleaned you up then, wheat are you still going to need cleaned over and over??

let the children come

Mark 10:13-16 Let the children come unto me.
Ezekiel 34:11-16 You are my flesh

Jesus says let the children come, they were the innocents. They asked nothing of Jesus, excepthis company, no miracles, no healings, or casting out demons. They just wanted to
sit on his lap, laugh with him and just enjoy his prescence.

In Ezikial we find sheep (flock) people who are hurt, broken and poor and weak. Like he
gathered the children around him, God gathered the people to help them, they loved being
in his prescence,
God loves the innocents, the weary, the helpless.

He is there to comfort and bless in their time of need.
Children beleive and give of themselves, it is not hard to know Jesus at a young age, before
life starts throwing the curve balls at you, Life sets in when high school ends.

Come as a small child, trusting innocent with a open heart, loving and giving your all.
Jesus will receive you.