Saturday, April 25, 2009


is it a many spledored thing, something that makes the heart sing or a way to hurt to deep for words crying in your room, till you have no more tears, knowing the person who done this simply
does not care, has used you for financial or other gain, used yur love against you and left you empty unsatisfied and tired of life, you feel like their is now no use, you will never love again, you have
the Lord to comfort you, yet you need two arms around you and a voice whispering it will be ok
and you don't have that just pain
is this the life I signed on for, I do beleive it is because all others are in the same boat.
Why is it one half of all marriages fail, is it because they depended on a feeling to get them thru the mess that is life
Feeling are not forever a covenant to cherish hold on and endure may last

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