Tuesday, January 5, 2010

let the children come

Mark 10:13-16 Let the children come unto me.
Ezekiel 34:11-16 You are my flesh

Jesus says let the children come, they were the innocents. They asked nothing of Jesus, excepthis company, no miracles, no healings, or casting out demons. They just wanted to
sit on his lap, laugh with him and just enjoy his prescence.

In Ezikial we find sheep (flock) people who are hurt, broken and poor and weak. Like he
gathered the children around him, God gathered the people to help them, they loved being
in his prescence,
God loves the innocents, the weary, the helpless.

He is there to comfort and bless in their time of need.
Children beleive and give of themselves, it is not hard to know Jesus at a young age, before
life starts throwing the curve balls at you, Life sets in when high school ends.

Come as a small child, trusting innocent with a open heart, loving and giving your all.
Jesus will receive you.

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