Tuesday, June 16, 2009

America where are you??

in our country the flag did wave
home of the free, home of the brave
men ready to fight,
some to die, so our country would survive

what happened, where are the patriots
where are those ready to serve
standing in the welfare lines
seeing what the country can give them

there once was pride
and people who stood
as our veterans walked by
soliders saved our country

we would be like all others
if we did not have freedom
if we had not the press
if we had not the right to bear arms

if war comes to this shore
who will stand
who will say no more??
Is the children we raise now

I have heard it said
we deserve what we get
from Americans
are you nuts

should we allow Pearl Harbor
should we allow 9 11
should we say we were wrong
No and again NO

we are a people who stand
for the underdog
for the nation of Israel
for freedom for all people

next time you see a solider THANK HIM

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