Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I set alone and read,
of prophets and kings,
of heaven and hell,
of wonderful things.

I soak in the Word,
Like water running on my head,
His word runs to my heart,
It sticks there, like a dart.

When asked about life,
and Where is God?
I share from my Word.
It cuts like a knife.

Is Jesus real,
Life an illision?
I point to creation,
Draw your own conclusion.

what about the money

Martha and Mary,
gave a great gasp,
their brother alive
so happy they could not say

should we get the money back
from the funeral LOL

God weep??

Does God weep?
Did a tear come to His eye;
When a friend David,
fell into sin.

Did the heart of God hurt,
When Peter denied;
and turned away

Did God look at Judas,
betraying his Son.
and feel a Father's pain.

Jesus wept, when Lazarus
was still in the ground.
When Lazarus rose,
there was cheering all around.

The Father seen his Son,
upon that tree,
He had to be hurting,
till that third day.
that was the rejoicing
that last thru all ages.

Lazarus 2

Lazarus, come forth
was called that day.

Weeping, mourning, wailing all around.
Lazarus dead, put in the cold hard ground.

Lazarus come forth,
come out to play.

weeping, crying, rejoicing
was heard everywhere.
the day Lazarus,
came out of death's lair.

Jesus is calling your name, come out of your old life
be made new
Walk in his way
you will find Jesus is always true


I awoke, seemed tied down,
there was darkness all around.

All of the sudden,
Light shone in.
People unwrapping me,
I live again.

Jesus called, Lazarus,
My heart beat.
I was awake.
I came forth.
into the heat.

When Jesus calls,
You answer right away.
I did anyway.

We will all be called,
Leaving earthly home,
No more to wander,
No more to roam.


When I was young,
things were simple then .
Right was right,
Wrong was a whippin.

If we strayed,
and we were caught.
was no fun,
what came our way.

We grow up,
offered oppertunities,
we should ignore.
God teachs a way,
we sometimes ignore.

The trouble when grown,
if not a slap on the hand.
It is behind bars,
that you will stand.

Dads Approval

Oh on top of a cloud,
Today of me, Dad said he was proud.
I walked the dog,
Took out the trash.
Did everything without being asked.

I never fought with my sister,
done my homework to.

Dad was beaming,
really happy you know.
Said son, I am proud,
a fine man you will be.

Our father in heaven,
loves us to you see.
He is proud when
we do what is right
without a fight.


I pray in desparation,
Great tightness in my chest,
there is something wrong,
I just can't express.

I recite my a, b, c's
So God can put together,
the prayer I want to say,
he knows my desparation,

of the longing and the fear.
I just keep reciting,
thru all my tears.

I feel the peace within,
and know the Lord is near.
He has took words not expressed,
and cleaned up the mess.

So when in doubt,
about what to pray,
Go to your knees,
recite your abc's

Let God know,
on whom you depend.
God will show up,
and peace will descend.

Trapeze man 2

a performer like me
Praying I was,
when your name
came to me

God sent me here,
to pray and to talk.
He loves you, Zargo
He wants you to know.

A beleiver I am,
Miracles come true.
Pray Gods will,
He will see you thru.

Trapeze man

When the bright lights go down,
A hush falls over the big top,
I go to the trailer alone,
to think and to be me.

In the limelight, I am
The Great Zargo,
of the flying trapeze.
Here I am just me.
on bended knee.

I know you are there,
I know you do care.
I really need a freind,
someone to talk to.

Someone to share my sorrow,
Someone to share the things of the heart.
Someone to come alongside,
that would be a start.

Then a knock on my door,
Who is it, I implore.
The answer I hear,
I am answer to prayer.

A man walks in,
Has a large grin.
How do you do,
I am a friend for you.

I get his name,
A midget is he,

50 word testimony

I am different bad habits gone
love for others expanded
sin is forgiven,
Baby in cradle, Teacher of Life,
Sacrifice on Cross,
Jesus has changed me,
My child put in my hands,
my love expands,
Do anything for my child,
God felt the same way,
Gave his Son for their redemption.

lonely people 2

In this gloomy space,
removed from the human race.
Sitting in my abode,
Bearing a heavy load.

I feel without power,
no energy of my own,
Can't get moving,
Depressed clear to the bone.

Get a call,
Someone does care,
talked to a Pastor,
He said Jesus does care.

I am releived to hear,
from someone, anyone
so I will listen,
Pointed my to Jesus,

Came and got me,
shared my story
He listened and prayed
I have two freinds now

I am releived my night
is done
I know the

rest of where is God

a tear in my eye,
God is here beside me
Here to guide me
I shall let no other in
God is my shield and my strengh,
When I go don't cry.
I am with Jesus,
Pain is done
Heaven brighter then the sun
Happy and free
with Jesus I will be

Where is God 2

brighter then the sun
happy and free,
that will be me

Where is God

Where is God in this pain,
coming on my body, wave after wave,
Keeps on coming, like the rain.
I keep praying, putting my hurts
before the Lord.

Comfort I receive, even thru the hurt.
I know my God suffered,
He has been there.

He whispers, hold on for now
This will help you grow.

This is a process, I know.

My God in his Word,
Says, I know what you can bear,
You are almost there.

There is an end in sight,
Keep praying, put up a good fight.

The reward will be great,
Never to early, never to late.
I keep marching on,

It seems to last to long,

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

why is it so hard

Why is it so hard to beleive God could love us, is it because of the things we see in ourselves that bother us and we know we don't like. Is it because we think we don't deserve love, or we have
to buy love. God made us for one reason LOVE is that reason. He knows that you are not perfect, He made Hitler and Idi Amin, they were awful, but God still loved them and they
had a chance to find him and be forgiven.
When we have a child, we find Love is easy, yet it accomplishes so much, we will move
mountains for our children,



I married a fallen woman,
who ran away.
Slept with a different man,
each and every day.

I raised children,
not my own.
My wife never stayed,
she was bad to the bone.

I bought her from
the market.
Cleaned her up,
brought her back to me.

I loved her still,
even when she was unfaithful.
She was my chosen.

She suffered for her sin,
I hurt for it too.

I was chosen by God
to show Israel her sin.
I married this woman.
a story to tell.
Israel and Christians are loved by God and all others even those that don't acknowledge him.
when they stray, God brings them back sets them on their feet and they then stray again,
Jesus cleaned you up then, wheat are you still going to need cleaned over and over??

let the children come

Mark 10:13-16 Let the children come unto me.
Ezekiel 34:11-16 You are my flesh

Jesus says let the children come, they were the innocents. They asked nothing of Jesus, excepthis company, no miracles, no healings, or casting out demons. They just wanted to
sit on his lap, laugh with him and just enjoy his prescence.

In Ezikial we find sheep (flock) people who are hurt, broken and poor and weak. Like he
gathered the children around him, God gathered the people to help them, they loved being
in his prescence,
God loves the innocents, the weary, the helpless.

He is there to comfort and bless in their time of need.
Children beleive and give of themselves, it is not hard to know Jesus at a young age, before
life starts throwing the curve balls at you, Life sets in when high school ends.

Come as a small child, trusting innocent with a open heart, loving and giving your all.
Jesus will receive you.